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Hello and welcome!

April 5, 2010

This is a blog about making WB (whiteboard) art on a little browser game called Yoville.

It´s a teaching tool. It is NOT for selling or requesting art.

If you want art-I dont do requests atm. ijust draw for friends. but my students might want to draw you something neat :-). they have control over their own pages on this site and you will see their amazing art on those pages as well as see how to contact them. might wanna just skip them a note on their page or go to their yoville profiles 🙂

You are VERY welcomed and encouraged to ask questions tho.

If you are new here or new to whiteboard art I ask you to read the basic guide first. it will teach you the first steps and how to prepare. I will make more beginner tutorials as I update and expand this blog.

Thank you!

Please, this is a page bout real craft. be nice, no swearing (except me 😉 ) NO DISCUSSING HACKING! this is the wrong place for evil things!

5 Comments leave one →
  1. Chloe permalink
    April 5, 2010 3:23 pm

    Wow Robyn I am so impressed you set this up so quickly!! I’m bookmarking the site right away!

    Now I’m off to see the rest of the site!

    • April 5, 2010 3:45 pm

      ehehe I still have some tad bitty probs with some details (like getting the page links to the order I want and removing the page links from under the header) but I think its OK that way. maybe you can help me with that later ^^

  2. Rachel permalink
    April 6, 2010 12:13 am

    OMG! This is sooooo COOL Robyn!!!! Lovin’ the banner @ the top ^^^ hehe 🙂

  3. Muerto permalink
    April 6, 2010 11:44 am

    Hi Robin,
    love Artwork.Tipps are very nice.Are you German??Would i have tips in German my
    English not so good 😉

    Greetz Martina alias Muerto

    • April 6, 2010 3:30 pm

      womit kann ich dir denn helfen? den ganzen guide zu übersetzen wäre etwas umständlich aber wenn du fragen hast frag ruhig 🙂

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